Monday, January 25, 2010

We've Moved!

To facilitate easier navigation and to promote a bit of formality, Make and Break has moved to . Enjoy what you have been here there!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

With That Damn Dog Of Your's In The Back Seat There's No Room For Jello

I was shopping around on Ebay for some cheap used prosthetics for a cooking class that I'm teaching down at the Y and I found an item whose (whose?) owner stated that it comes from a smoke free site. I'm used to seeing items that come from a smoke free home, but claiming that your listing in Ebay is smoke free is presumptuous to say the least. I blew smoke on my monitor just to prove them wrong.

There are a lot of stupid 'groups' on facebook these days. Groups allowing members to show their affinity for trivial things such as dislike buttons that don't exist, setting your alarm clock for AM instead of PM, and finding your aunt Margaret in the bath tub surrounded by pills, but I think there should be a facebook group for the crazy electro-shock mathematician in Revolutionary Road. That movie was funnier than The Hangover thanks to him.

Sometimes I'll see thing on TV that should not be. Singing, sick, or sick kids that sing should not be on TV, but what is worse that the aforementioned offenders are the shows that are so hard up to make their own content that they just show internet videos that some idiot producer thought were funny. What's even more maddening is that the videos they show are, by internet standards, ancient. Shit- they show the Numa Numa kid while Keyboard Cat is already months old. Where so these people get off find videos on the 'net and spreading them around willy nilly. The gal! Oh- wait... Meh-I'm only jealous because they're making money.

Given one hundred or so portraits to select from, those that I had selected after determining that they were 'attractive', the Face Research Demo provided me with this nonexistant woman's portrait. This is my 'perfect woman'? I don't see any dish gloves so I can't be sure.

Be forewarned- there is an leaning toward the Caucasoid persuasion on the Demo so it does not really allow for very much variety.