Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Aww!!! Really???

A few summers ago, while enjoying a summer working on Mackinac, I somehow took to noticing pregnant ladies walking, riding, and generally having fun. This awareness that I was experiencing became so obnoxious to me that I did the only thing within my power to quash this observation. I began to make a game of purposefully noticing and then counting this women. I even got a few more people to participate!
Some days it was one. Others it was five. One day I saw two ladies that I'm sure were sisters if not twins, both of whom looked to be about to pop or were carrying twins themselves! That was a banner day.
This summer, now four or five years later, I have unintentionally began to notice something not quite as pleasant as expectant mothers. No- this summer it is formerly expectant mothers who have decided to change their children in inappropriate locations.
Now, I realize that you have to do what you have to do, but at a patio table next to me on the Ice House lawn is not an acceptable place to wipe your child's ass. Outside of Professor Harry's windows blocking half of the Star Line ramp is not cool. A picnic table on Windermere Point is no place to deal with diapers.
I now have more appreciation for those Koala things in rest stops. Bathroom floors are gross, but couldn't one bring a tarp to lay on the floor. After all, your double-wide stroller still has some storage room left.
Thankfully there has been a lull in these particular sightings.

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