Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Water In My Toilet Is Hot

Feet. Many of us have a pair of them. They inspire wonderful words such as, shoes, corns, and bipedalism. I can say that I am a foot enthusiast- as mine get me around pretty well and I like that feature. I protect my leg to earth interfaces with boots or shoes and socks. I walk quite a bit, and living in a town that has outlawed cars, I ride a bike daily. My feets need some covering.
I don't believe that my foot use is beyond rational expectation. I don't wear flip flops. I don't think that anyone else should either. OK. Woman can wear them sometimes because they can be cute about it, but dudes need to cover them dogs. ...hairy toes waggling around all over the place... Put 'em away bro.

I dealt with a maintenance report from a guest the other day that made use brain cells I haven't used in a while. The report stated that the DVD player that had been borrowed from the front desk displayed the film only in black and white. The first question I asked the executive house keeper was whether or not they had been watching a black and white film. Laughter ensued and I took the offending contraption to the maintenance shop for later examination. I decided to just take the miserable thing home and after hooking it up to my own television I put in a test DVD. Color! Well I'll be damned. But wait! No sound. Harrumph! Ah! I had inserted a copy of The Silent Movie.
It turns out the guests had managed to borrow the only B&W film the hotel owns.

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