Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Forklift Seems To Have Some Sort OF Hydraulic Fluid Leak

I took some shots while dad and I went for a walk November 29th. It was a bit of a hazy day with pockets of sunlight that shone quite brightly onto the remaining amounts of green and the blue of the lake.

There have been great developments in the realm of link sharing!

Recently I have shared some rather bazaar recipe ideas. Instead of dealing with structured recipes, why not try using The Random Recipe Generator. Explore and have some fun! Great examples include frying some wine and then immediately throwing it away. Good stuff.

If you would ever like a source of information that would allow you bet wisely on some of the most inane stuff possible. Use this page for such research. What color tie will Obama wear at his inauguration? Here's the answer.

Bulldozer stunts. Not OSHA approved!
From Random Good Stuff

I don't know what to say about this gem aside from acknowledging that it may be on the verge of mash up greatness.

...Or maybe this is... give it a minute...

Talking Magpies Are Your Friends

After a fine weekend of cooking and just about nothing else apart from the odd walk into town or two, it is now time for a few links to share. This was a fairly lucrative weekend for accumulating links and the bookmarks have begun to fill up.

I want to pass along this recipe for alcoholic ginger beer. It seems to be quite easy and does not need much for ingredients.

My Game Face. A series of photographs from the New York Times Magazine featuring portraits of children mesmerized by the video games that they are playing.

Just interesting design, industrial and domestic.

Google is racist and bigoted! Well- actually its users are as much that as they are confused and uninformed. This page features screen shots of Google search suggestions after typing just a few key words such as, 'why do girls...'. Great stuff!

Have extra spunk splashed about the house? Don't waste! Cook with it.

Here to is another great recipe. Candied bacon ice cream. I know I'd try it.

Have some Fugazi

Thanks to b3ta, Look At This, and New Shelton Wet and Dry.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Want To Shoot Lasers From My Eyes Like A Peruvian

The first posting of "What Mr. Calvin Had For Dinner" on Make and Break!
Duck was served for Thanksgiving Dinner this year. I made a ginger-orange marinade and sauce. It turned out pretty nice. I rendered the carcass and got about a cup and a half of duck fat for use later and am now boiling that dude down for some duck reduction. Nice. I served the duck with cornbread stuffing and sauted asparagus. The old man seemed to enjoy it. No- he wasn't having THAT much fun. We followed dinner with The Onion Movie and Pepsi as a wonderful digestif. The plates in this house and that brown table really make all of my meals look the same in photos. Maybe I will spray paint my plates use an old shower curtain for a table cloth. Maybe that will keep all of my meats and starches from looking like brown blobs.

Here is a nice arm sling for those in need that will answer all of the questions by the the curious. From Digg

Watch out for penis shaped squid like creatures while you swim wearing your snow Hostess Sno Ball bikini. From Flikr. Don't worry SFW.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Post Does Not Have A Title

Have you been littering? You know that littering makes indigenous peoples cry. I would like to suggest that you cease leaving well cared for, and properly tuned pianos in the woods at the end of cul-de-sacs. Story here.

I knew that Big Giant Rat video reminded me of something. It reminded me of this video that I posted on the old blog last year or so.

Chicken head tracking abilities. Fascinating to watch the chicken heads. I remember Marcy on Married with Children asking her husband Steve why Al keeps, "calling me a chicken?!?" while she bobbed her head up and down, arms akimbo.

Good night. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

...If Only I Hadn't Stabbed That Old Woman Back In '83...

Earlier this evening, I was reminded of a rant of mine from last Friday. I had been watching a show on the Animal Channel called Whale Wars. I found this show to be quite hilarious. An Australian based organization, with the intent of preventing Japanese whaling ships from making their yearly research catches, sends a ship out into the open ocean with a licensed captain and an all volunteer crew. Here is where the fun starts. The volunteers are all ideologically rich and seamanship POOR! One of the best snafus that I saw was when they nearly killed themselves and almost sank their skiff when traveling at speed. Oops! The kicker of the whole thing is that they use this semi inflatable launch to harass and even BOARD the Japanese ships. Ha! They don't know what they are doing AND they are pirates! Great! It is quite fun to hear them speak about their love of whales. I will admit that the whaling fleet is squirrely and needs to be policed better, but these folks are just going to get themselves killed- although they will and have said that they would give their own lives to save the life of a whale...

Have some Barbapoppa.

I painted my kitchen this evening. I spent the day painting for pay, and then went home and painted my own kitchen. I guess one of the benefits of knowing how to paint well is that I was able to tear the room apart, cut in, roll, reassemble, and then cook dinner before 8 o'clock. Huh... The walls are now a light green. I still need to refinish the trim which is now coated in shellac and will be white oil. Man I like to work with oil paint. Really!

Earlier, I mentioned Australian odd balls. Well- it turns out that this week a man was arrested for pleasuring himself with a jar of pasta. He gave chase and while being pepper sprayed and beaten continued to go to town. Hey man! He wasn't finished yet. Thanks to Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Tried To Eat A Blackberry, But The Circuit Boards Cut My Gums

A while back, while contemplating the appropriateness of adding patches to double kneed pants, I thought about work shorts with doubled up knees. Just think about how many days of hard work you could put those bad boys through!

I was listening to the TV the other day while painting some of the Iroquois housing and heard a few slips of the tongue that made me smile. After reporting a story about Iran testing ground to ground missiles that were capable of reaching Israel, the anchor moved on to another story and accidentally swapped the correct word of January with the very poorly timed and incorrect 'jews'. Later I heard her say, 'Our next story is about a man who was given up for abortion- er adoption.' In the defense of the anchor, I will admit that it was Monday morning.

I would like to share with you this real interweb gem. Best thing I have seen all week.

The other day I read about a man who was suing for false advertising. He received an e-mail stating that classmates were looking for him. He subscribed to the service to find that, in fact, no-one was looking for him at all. A dip shit with a good point. I'll be damned. Next up- the guy who is suing for being a douche bag

I hope both of these guys are using this lawyer.

I understand that all of us are cooler than the others, but here is photographic proof that hind sight is lovely. These are senior pictures with explanations for the rather odd selection of props and interesting choices in poses. My favorite is half-nude-teen pregnancy-couple shot!

Great website ideas!

My thanks to Neatorama and Look At This.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Giant Monkey Rat Bastard

This a great video by a band I know nothing about. I like it!

I Never Have Had Much a Need For Armadillo Spleen

I have had a few things on my mind for the last few days.

While sitting at Sinclair's the other day I noticed something odd on the Keno TV screen. The number generator was using the display of animated popcorn popping. This seemed to be rather bland, but suitable- or so I thought. On the bottom of the screen, where the kernels departed their number hording bed, I noticed the kernels were popping out of already popped kernels. This, I believe, is ridiculous. The popcorn should be leaping away from a super-heated hotbed of un-popped kernels. The newly elected Bart Stupak will be hearing about this I'll have you know.
I tried to send a text message the other day on a rotary phone the other day. I wanted to tell a friend that my phone was broken and the old rotary phone was all that was available. I stood there in that phone both for what seemed like hours since it seemed as though every letter that I needed to communicate my message with were third of fourth letter for their corresponding numbers. Damn you f, l, o, r, s, and z!
There is one hell of a lot of difference in the meaning of the words 'all you can eat', and 'eat all you can'.

This dog is wrong. As they say on the 4chan- "kill it with fire!".

I never have had thoughts about kissing my ceiling. It turns out that there is a photographer out there that not only enjoys this sort of thing, but is a bit voyeuristic about it. Here are people kissing the ceiling. Quite interesting.

This house is up for sale in New Zealand. It is like a hip time capsule of lounges and bars. Bring your own console stereo and wellingtons.

There is a guy with a problem. He is broke and he owes the bank a few hundred pounds. So he offers them a drawing if a spider. Hillarity ensues.