Thursday, November 20, 2008

...If Only I Hadn't Stabbed That Old Woman Back In '83...

Earlier this evening, I was reminded of a rant of mine from last Friday. I had been watching a show on the Animal Channel called Whale Wars. I found this show to be quite hilarious. An Australian based organization, with the intent of preventing Japanese whaling ships from making their yearly research catches, sends a ship out into the open ocean with a licensed captain and an all volunteer crew. Here is where the fun starts. The volunteers are all ideologically rich and seamanship POOR! One of the best snafus that I saw was when they nearly killed themselves and almost sank their skiff when traveling at speed. Oops! The kicker of the whole thing is that they use this semi inflatable launch to harass and even BOARD the Japanese ships. Ha! They don't know what they are doing AND they are pirates! Great! It is quite fun to hear them speak about their love of whales. I will admit that the whaling fleet is squirrely and needs to be policed better, but these folks are just going to get themselves killed- although they will and have said that they would give their own lives to save the life of a whale...

Have some Barbapoppa.

I painted my kitchen this evening. I spent the day painting for pay, and then went home and painted my own kitchen. I guess one of the benefits of knowing how to paint well is that I was able to tear the room apart, cut in, roll, reassemble, and then cook dinner before 8 o'clock. Huh... The walls are now a light green. I still need to refinish the trim which is now coated in shellac and will be white oil. Man I like to work with oil paint. Really!

Earlier, I mentioned Australian odd balls. Well- it turns out that this week a man was arrested for pleasuring himself with a jar of pasta. He gave chase and while being pepper sprayed and beaten continued to go to town. Hey man! He wasn't finished yet. Thanks to Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

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