Monday, December 15, 2008

"We Chose The Tug Boat Because The Shove, Jar and Jolt Boats Were All Too Expensive

Thanks to great inventive heroes such as these we have an explanation for such wonderful things we may just use every day and take for granted.

I'm buying this for my nephew. And one for myself.

I knew, shortly after cleaning my pants, that this storage facility was THE storage facility to top all storage facilities.

I used to watch this guy's commercials while still living in Ohio. I just love the Son Of Ghoul cameo at the end!

More stupid commercials.

Tourettes related compulsions to swear are not reserved to those that actually speak. Signers too!

The Benny Hillifier! Add the fun tune 'Wacky Sax' to any YouTube video. This is lots of fun!

Funny, but not funny.

Imagine that you are having a few drinks with acquaintances from work. One thing leads to another and an argument ensues. The topic of that argument? Fictional donkeys. Now you can break out the old iphone and look up this wiki page.

I have no idea what these guys are doing with hammers, tape, explosives, and what looks like some kind of carnival.

Arts time.

Would someone please install this browser and tell me if it is for real. It might not work for me.

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