Sunday, January 18, 2009

Colbert! I Swear I'll Get You For This!

On January 11, 2009, I posted an image of modification that I made to the label from the box of Land O Lakes butter. This is an old joke that I learned from an uncle of mine when I was a kid. The joke has only come up a few times in those 15 or 20 years, reenacted by my father and I once about 10 years ago and is now adorning the fireplace mantle. I have always thought that this gag was hilarious and one kept for special occasions.
On January 14, 2009 Tim Meadows and Stephen Colbert had their own kind of fun with this joke. Coincidence? I don't think so. Someone IS reading this blog! Hooray for enthusiasts of stupid jokes such as myself and obviously Mr. Colbert.
You can watch the clip here.

This is a medical description of what not to do with concrete and your bowels.

Sometime last year Greenpeace had an election asking the internet community to name a whale that they would follow and save from Japanese whalers. The contenders were,Mister Splashy Pants, Talei, Aiko, Libertad, Aurora, and Kaimana among others. Mr. Spalshy Pants was a write in name. Guess which name won. Mr. Splashy Pants for the win! Now PETA has followed suit with an equal amount of WTF with this bold concept. They want to rename fish 'Sea Kittens'.

I challenge you to make this penis not look like a penis. A fun Paint, PhotoShop competition. Hilarious results!

Do you need a new Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer? How about a Water Vortex Magnetizer? This company sells these cool products and more. They will take your money because you may be desperate and gullible. Think about the time machine in Napoleon Dynamite and very sick or old people. So much bull shit. I wish I found this as funny as I should.

Art. Like Johannes Vermeer, but modern and oddly original.

Bacon flavored rolling papers!

A great collection of random photos. NSFW, but beautiful.

During WWI experiments with ships constructed with concrete were made. They were failures, but one or two still exist!

True story of a woman who unknowingly ate PEOPLE! PEEE OOO PPPLLLEE!

Completely useless super powers. Great!

"I can't figure out why I can't find a tenant." Duh. Craigslist brilliance!

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