Thursday, January 22, 2009

(Enter Non Sequitur Here)

Things are rather quiet around the house today. The cat that I don't own doesn't seem to be eating, while this alarms me to some extent, this lack of consumption has been saving me a bundle on cat litter. While I am thinking of it, I have also noticed that this phantom cat does not seem to shed much, although since the cat has been de-clawed, something else must be tearing up the furniture. Maybe I should see a doctor about sleep walking. Sleep walking would also explain some of the texts in my sent fold on the phone. Annoying texts sent to 5 to 10 people at a time. Yay for Mr. Calvin,his mythical cat, and his irritating texting habits.

I can claim that I have a bit of a collection of canned meats. I enjoy two cans of aproduct trying one can and saving the other. I save the cans because I love reading the ingredients. One of the most common ingredients is mechanically separated chicken.

How long does mayo last? What about ketchup or peanut butter? An interesting interpretation of the periodic table of elements. If you are wondering about my own refrigerator's contents just multiply times by 3 or 4.

Very interesting embroidery.

By clicking here you will get to see what one gets when one combines a puddle, cold weather, a shrub, and automobile traffic.

How To Wear Pants. A guide to proper pants technique.

Compubeaver is a computer casemod created by the artist that reminds us how to wear pants.

The Apache Dance. Creative, beautiful, strangely disturbing.

And performed in Paris...

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